2025 Eastern SCP Meeting and Call: Celebrating Robert Adams
Joshua Thurow | Published on 1/31/2025
2025 Eastern SCP Conference
Princeton Theological Seminary
October 2-4
Theme: The Philosophical Legacy of Robert Merrihew Adams
The 2025 Eastern Conference of the Society of Christian Philosophers, cosponsored by Princeton Theological Seminary, the Princeton Project in Philosophy & Religion, and the Rutgers Center for the Philosophy of Religion, will take place at Princeton Theological Seminary on October 2–4, 2025. The theme of the conference is “The Philosophical Legacy of Robert Merrihew Adams.” All interested in attending are invited to register.
The late Bob Adams (September 8, 1937–April 16, 2024) made seminal contributions to several areas in philosophy, including the history of modern philosophy, ethics, metaphysics, and philosophy of religion. He was a founding member and second president of the Society of Christian Philosophers. Bob Adams was also a longtime member of the Board of Trustees of Princeton Theological Seminary, where he received a degree in 1962.
The conference will feature keynote lectures by Keith DeRose (Yale University), Sukjae Lee (Seoul National University), and Marleen Rozemond (University of Toronto). There will also be a plenary panel that will engage with Adams’s work and consider its ongoing relevance. Other sessions at the conference may be on any philosophical topic, with some priority given to papers related to the conference theme.
We invite submissions of 500-word abstracts of papers on any topic in philosophy that is likely to be of interest to Christian philosophers (including topics related to teaching), with some priority given to papers related to the conference theme. We welcome participation by individuals regardless of their religious beliefs (or lack thereof).
Abstracts should be prepared for blind review (no identifying information in the abstract) as a pdf or Word file and emailed as an attachment to rmadamsconferencecfp@gmail.com. The subject of the email should read “Submission for RMAdamsConference.” Include your identifying information (full name, institution, preferred email address) in the body of the submission email. The deadline for submissions is May 1, 2025.
Submissions from graduate students are especially welcome and there will be a $500 prize for the best graduate submission (as well as a spot for their presentation). To be considered, indicate in the submission email that you are a graduate student.
For the conference website, with further details and registration information, visit https://ptsem.edu/event/the-philosophical-legacy-of-robert-merrihew-adams/.
Conference organizers: Andrew Chignell (chignell@princeton.edu); John Pittard (john.pittard@yale.edu); Dean Zimmerman (dwzimmer@philosophy.rutgers.edu)