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Give to the SCP

We who are Christians and propose to be philosophers must not rest content with being philosophers who happen, incidentally, to be Christians; we must strive to be Christian Philosophers. We must therefore pursue our projects with integrity, independence, and Christian boldness.
                                                                                                                                     ~Alvin Plantinga

The Society of Christian Philosophers needs your help to strengthen the world of Christian philosophy. Your tax-deductible donation supports several annual conferences, provides lecture grants for Christian philosophers to come to small colleges, offers stipends for graduate students interested in Christian philosophy conferences, and sponsors one of the world’s preeminent philosophy of religion journals, Faith & Philosophy.

You need not be a member to support the SCP, and donations can be earmarked  to support either the SCP as a whole or its journal in specific by 

You may also donate by check (made out to the Society of Christian Philosophers) at the following address:

     Caleb Cohoe, SCP Treasurer
      3048 W 23rd Ave.
      Denver, CO 80211

The Society of Christian Philosophers is a registered 501(c)3 organization and will provide donors with an end-of-year summary for tax purposes. The SCP’s EIN is: 38-2448793.