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Accordion Widget
Executive Committee
Executive Committee

The society is governed by an Executive Committee consisting of twelve voting members and a handful of non-voting, ex officio members.  The twelve voting members are elected by the membership and divided into thirds to that one-third of the members are elected each year with each member serving a three-year term.

The current Executive Committee is composed of the following members:

January 2024 - January 2027
Mike Austin
Marilie Coetsee
Taylor Cyr
Maria Waggoner

January 2023 - January 2026
Alina Beary
Rebecca Chan
Philip Swenson
Brandon Warmke

January 2022 - January 2025
Adam Green
Liz Jackson
Anne Jeffrey
Kevin Vallier

Ex Officio Members of the Executive Committee
Tim O'Connor, President
Terence Cuneo, former President
Joshua Thurow, Executive Director
Caleb Cohoe, Treasurer/Secretary
Lara Buchak, Ombudsperson
Thomas D. Senor, Editor, Faith and Philosophy

Accordion Widget
Administrative Committees
Administrative Committees

Ian Church, chair (to end of 2025)
Tim Pawl (to end of 2025)
Charity Anderson (to end of 2025)
Sabrina Little (to end of 2024)
Brandon Rickabaugh (to end of 2024)
Lara Buchak, ex officio

Caleb Cohoe, chair (to end of 2023)
Rebecca Chan (to end of 2025)
Chris Tweedt (to end of 2025)


Lara Buchak, chair and ombudsperson (to end of 2026)
Tomas Bogardus (to end of 2025)
Laura Callahan (to end of 2025)
Phil Woodward (to end of 2025)
Joshua Thurow, ex officio
Terence Cuneo, ex officio

Accordion Widget
Regional Committees
Regional Committees

Note that SCP members interested in hosting a regional SCP conference should inquire about this option directly by emailing the chair of the appropriate regional committee.

Eastern Region
John Pittard, chair (to end of 2025)
Aaron Davis (2023)
Andrew Moon (2025)

Midwest-Central Region
Blake McAllister, chair (2025)
Jason Runyan (2025)
Bob Hartman (2026)

Mountain-Pacific Region
Brad Rettler, chair (to end of 2025)
Jim Taylor (2025)
Tomas Bogardus (2026)

Accordion Widget
Scholarly Association Committees
Scholarly Association Committees

Eastern APA-SCP
Philip Swenson, chair (to end of 2025)
Phil Woodward (2025)

Central APA-SCP
Jeremy Skrzypek, chair (2026)
Susan Brower-Toland (2025)
Amy Floweree (2025)

Pacific APA-SCP
Rebecca Chan, chair (2025)
Matt Benton (2025)
Garrett Pendergraft (2025)

Alli Thorton, chair (to end of 2025)
Christopher Hauser (to end of 2026)
Anne Siebels Peterson (to end of 2025)

Dolores Morris, chair (2025)
Jonathan Rutledge (2024)
Thomas Williams (2026)

Accordion Widget
International Outreach Committee
International Committees
Under construction