Session 1 |
Thursday |
3-4:00 |
Room |
Hickory |
Willow East |
Willow West |
Great Hall East |
Title |
God and Pseudo-Selves |
Liberalism & the Reasons We Cannot Share |
God, Rights, &Rational Nature |
How to be a Divine Conceptualist |
Presenter |
Kyle Huitt |
Kyla Ebels Duggan |
Brian Ballard |
Michael Willenborg |
Commentator |
Jeremy Skrzypek |
Kevin Vallier |
Terence Cuneo |
Jacob Huls |
Chair |
Caleb Cohoe |
Andrew Moon |
Austin McCoy |
Ethan Butt |
Plenary 1 |
Thursday |
4:15-5:45 |
Laura Callahan |
Intellectual Humility and Christian Faith |
Session 2 |
Friday |
9:30-10:30 |
Room |
Hickory |
Willow East
Willow West
Great Hall East
Title |
Combination Theory of Belief |
Gratitude & Inequality |
Excessive Gratuitous Evil |
The Argument from Altruism |
Presenter |
Andrew Moon |
Austin McCoy |
Klaas Kraay |
Rob MacSwain |
Commentator |
Josh Thurow |
Paul Jensen |
Libby Regnerus |
Leigh Vicens |
Jim Taylor |
Kyle Huitt |
Brian Ballard |
Michael Willenborg
Session 3 |
Friday |
10:45-11:45 |
Room |
Willow East
Willow West
Great Hall East
E |
Title |
Hinge Epistemology & Religious Belief |
Love is the Link Between Welfare & Duty |
The Gap in the Evil God Challenge |
Impassibilism & Pastoral Arguments in Theology |
Presenter |
Eyob Sirak Zewdie |
Phil Woodward |
Justin Mooney |
Matthew Baddorf |
Commentator |
Liz Jackson |
Jordan Wessling |
Thes Kascsak |
Jacob Zimbelman |
Jeffrey Koperski |
Amy Floweree |
Rob MacSwain |
Libby Regeneru |
Session 4 |
Friday |
1:30-2:30 |
Room |
Willow East
Willow West
Great Hall East
Title |
Solution for the Immortality Curmudgeons |
The Ethics of Interpretation |
The Forgotten felix culpa theodicy & anti-theodicy of John Hick |
Persons, Relations, Receptivity, God |
Reckless Courage: Fear & Trembling |
Presenter |
Dan Kemp |
Amy Floweree |
Jaeha Woo |
James Kintz |
David Skowronski |
Commentator |
Phil Woodward |
Mike Rea |
Harriet Baber |
Tyler Sharp |
Amber Bowen |
Dean Zimmerman |
Jacob Zimbelman |
Jeffrey Koperski |
Darrin Snyder Belousek |
Justin Mooney |
Session 5 |
Friday |
2:45-3:45 |
Room |
Willow East
Willow West
Great Hall East
Title |
Post-mortal Annihilation |
Practicing Farewell |
Daycare & Swim Lessons: Skeptical Theism & the Parent-Child Analogy |
Foundationalism for Christian Philosophy |
Presenter |
Michael Cevering |
Scott Davison |
Dolores Morris |
Walter Stepanenko |
Commentator |
Justin Brittain |
Cody Dolinsek |
Timothy Pawl |
James Taylor |
William Vincent |
David Skowronski |
Joshua Thurow |
James Kintz |
Plenary 2 |
Friday |
4:00-5:30 |
Manuel Vargas |
Advice to Philosophers in the Christian Twilight |
Banquet |
5:45 |
Worship |
Saturday |
9-9:45 |
Officiant: Rob MacSwain |
Musician: Phil Woodward |
Session 6 |
Saturday |
10-11 |
Room |
Willow East
Willow West
Great Hall East
Title |
Causality, Necessity, & Freedom |
A Christian Ethics of Blame |
Evil & the Quantum Multiverse |
Thomistic Survival & Euthanasia |
Presenter |
Alexander Spieldenner |
Bob Hartman |
Eddy Chen and Daniel Rubio
Christopher Tomaszewki |
Commentator |
John Waldrop |
Jada Twedt Strabbing |
Tim O’Connor |
Caleb Cohoe |
Chair |
Philip Swenson |
Isabel Canfield |
Dominic Lamantia |
Jack VanDrunen |
Session 7 |
Saturday |
11:15-12:15 |
Room |
Willow East
Willow West
Great Hall East
Title |
Indeterministic Response to the Grounding Objection |
What is Politicization? |
First Sin of an Unconfirmed Angel |
Aristotelian Solution to Evolutionary Debunking Arguments |
Presenter |
Tien-Chun Lo |
Rich Eva |
James Pepe |
Paul Rezkalla |
Commentator |
Philip Swenson |
Isabel Canfield |
Dominic LaMantia |
Jack VanDrunen |
Christopher Tomaszewski |
Alexander Spieldenner |
Bob Hartman |
Amber Bowen |
Session 8 |
Saturday |
2-3 |
Room |
Willow East
Willow West
Great Hall East
Title |
On Penance |
Faith is an Epistemic Virtue |
Plantinga without Occasionalism |
Monarchy & Mystery |
Presenter |
Justin Capes |
Ethan Butt |
Jeffrey Koperski |
H. E. Baber |
Commentator |
Grace Hibshman |
Rebecca Kates |
Daniel Rubio |
William Vincent |
Paul Rezkalla |
Jaeha Woo |
Rich Eva |
Kate Finley |
Plenary 3 |
Saturday |
3:15-4:45 |
Charity Anderson |
Divine Hiddenness and the Problem of Evil |