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Rutgers Analytic Theology Seminar

Joshua Thurow | Published on 7/12/2024
The Rutgers Analytic Theology Seminar solicits abstracts for papers in analytic theology, for a conference to be held June 8-10, 2025, at Rutgers University's New Brunswick campus.  Papers are welcome in all areas of analytic theology, including analytical historical theology.  RATS is an interfaith conference.  Abstracts will be blind-reviewed; they should be a maximum of 500 words in length, and should be anonymized for blind review.  Those sending abstracts should specify whether the final paper will be colloquium (3000 word) or symposium (4-5000 word) length.  At most one paper will be accepted for a submitted symposium; some who send an abstract for a symposium slot may be offered a colloquium slot instead.  Some whose papers are not accepted may be offered commentator slots.  All sessions will be single-reader; there will be no "panels."  Abstracts are due by October 15, to  Decisions will be announced by December 1.
Keynote and symposium sessions will be read-ahead, with commentators.  Colloquium papers will be read out, and may or may not have commentators.  Keynote and symposium sessions may last 90 minutes or two hours; colloquium sessions will be 60 or 75 mins.  Keynote speakers will be Oliver Crisp (St. Andrews), Katherin Rogers (U of Delaware), and Timothy Pawl (U of St Thomas).